Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Loving on our miracles

In January of 2011 I found myself loving being home with my babies!!  Trace and Presley were stressful at times like are all kids are but I LOVED it!  I wouldn't have changed a thing.  When we found out Presley was a girl while I was pregnant I didn't know what to do.  How in the world am I supposed to raise a girl if I'm not even very good at being one myself?  I mean yeah I can do all the things girls do I didn't have much interest in.  I had always felt like God would give me boys cause he knew I could handle them.  I understood them, I wanted to get dirty and play outside all day too!  I wanted to ride 4-wheelers in the field after a good snow with people on a car hood tied behind me.  That's what I looked forward to the most about raising boys!  Them just being boys.

Well let me tell you something, Presley is not that type of girl!  She wants nothing to do with anything dirty.  She would rather dress up and pretend to put makeup on then any of that!  She squeals like a girl, talks like a girl and most of all ACTS like a girl!!  I love it all! God could not have made my kids anymore different and I love watching the differences between boys and girls.  Growing up most of you know I had three sisters.  We didn't have any comparisons except between my sisters and I.  I was the 'weird' one and they were normal.  I was the one outside with my dad helping him with his guns or going to toy shows with him.  (back to Presley now)  I love that God gave me a girly girl.  He knew I needed her to help me realize why God made most girls like that. To be the sweet, loving and caring women to make the world go round.  Where would we be without a girl screaming at the top of her lungs when she sees a spider or her brother chasing her around the house with a fake snake? Nowhere... Boys don't want to marry girls like them.  Boys want to marry girls that make them feel like heroes for killing the spiders!  They were made in Gods image to be the softer mate so that we knew the men were the head of the house for a reason.  To love and protect us the way God does for us.  I've learned so much from Will and Presley's relationship.  He loves being able to serve and protect her in ways that no one else can.  Yes, he does that for Trace but Trace doesn't appreciate it like Presley does.  She makes a big deal out of it and gives her daddy hugs and kisses for just carrying her.  He needed to feel that needed.  I have taken a lot of their relationship to heart and God is changing me as a mother and wife.  I just love how God knows what I needed. (fancy that?!)


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